Why does mold grow on the sides of your home? Mold likes dark or heavily shaded areas with high humidity. Mold will continue to grow on those areas that are shaded because the Charlottesville, Staunton, and Harrisonburg Virginia area are prone to high humidity.
Most companies today offer a low cost pressure washing service to clean your home. It is usually sold as a commodity service, only to have the mold and other stains reappear on your home within a month or two. There is no value in the short term cheap pressure washing of your home. Pressure washing a home with dirty siding is like washing dishes with cold water, it just doesn’t clean 100%.
The truth is, like any cleaning service offered, when cleaned correctly and on a regular basis (annually) your home will not grow mold or any other staining. Pressure washing with hot water and mold inhabiting chemicals is the correct way to properly clean a home that is not on a regular washing schedule and has mold on the siding or brick. If you have used cold water pressure washing services a hot water service is a bit more costly. However, the results will dramatically change the appearance of your homes exterior and with annual pressure washing a hot water service is a one time expense, removing unsightly mold and stains.
If you have a home in Central Virginia that has mold or staining on the siding, brick, stucco, or any other surface call us today for a free estimate 540-874-CVRS (2877). We guarantee your homes surface will be mold free for 6 months!